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Are psychiatric medications over-prescribed in children and teenagers?  

By Mohab Hanna, MD, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist I have been a practicing Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist in full time clinical practice since 2002.  As the founder of MedPsych Behavioral Health, I get an intimate look at what is happening in the world of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry- especially here in Northern New Jersey and […]

Why is my psychiatric medication not working? 

By Mohab Hanna, MD, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist The decision to go on psychiatric medication can be a challenge for many, especially as it relates to children and teenagers who are struggling with a variety of psychiatric illnesses. One of the things that I have noticed over the years is the high level of frustration […]

Basic rules for psychiatric medications in children and adolescents 

By Mohab Hanna, MD, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist One of the most challenging things that we all face as parents is making medical decisions for our children. This is a unique responsibility that every parent has when it comes to those decisions. Many medical decisions are thankfully straightforward but navigating the world of psychiatric medications […]