MedPsych Blog
Empower your journey with the information you need to support your child’s mental health journey. Here, you’ll find valuable insights regarding the world of mental and behavioral health, specifically for children and adolescents.
Why is my psychiatric medication not working?
By Mohab Hanna, MD, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist The decision to go on psychiatric medication can be a challenge for many, especially as it relates to children and teenagers who are struggling with a variety of psychiatric illnesses. One of the things that I have noticed over the years is
Basic rules for psychiatric medications in children and adolescents
By Mohab Hanna, MD, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist One of the most challenging things that we all face as parents is making medical decisions for our children. This is a unique responsibility that every parent has when it comes to those decisions. Many medical decisions are thankfully straightforward but navigating
The ADHD Center Of New Jersey: Why Does Our Psychiatry Practice Provide ADHD Testing?
By Mohab Hanna, MD, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist ADHD is a common problem that is frequently encountered in early childhood especially if the child is manifesting obvious struggles in school in the form of behavioral problems, social problems or academic struggles. The prevalence rates of ADHD in the United States
Remember When You Could Sleep? Here’s How to Get Back to Better Nights (and Days)
By Dan Larazzabal, LCSW Remember the good old days when we were kids and sleep came easy? Jumping into bed meant we were welcomed with a warm hug that drifted us off into dreamland. Then, when we woke up, we had what felt like an infinite amount of energy, yet once
What Many Get Wrong About Autism
By Sheena Lee, PA-C The internet is a beautiful thing. Information is more accessible than ever! With a quick Google search, you now have access to thousands of articles, videos, social media posts, and other content. Just as easy as it is to find information, it’s just as easy to find
Anxiety In Teens Webinar with Jayna Heerema, LSW
By Jayna Heerema, LCSW MedPsych therapist Jayna Heerema discusses teen anxiety, treatment options, practical tips for parents, and more.
ADHD Q&A Webinar with Dr. Hanna
By Mohab Hanna, MD, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist and Jonathon Byrne, LCSW Mohab Hanna, MD and Jonathan S. Byrne, MSW, LCSW answer your questions pertaining to ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), ADHD Medications, and how parents can help.
Is My Child Just Easily Distracted, or Could it Be ADHD?
By Mohab Hanna, MD, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist This article originally appeared in Bergen County Moms. Link here. Our children’s ability to focus is being continuously compromised. There’s constant access to technology – cell phones, video games, Chromebooks for studying – the list goes on. Kids’ developing brains are being trained
Functioning Well with ADHD/Executive Function Disorder Webinar
By Carol Eng, MA, MCLC Does your child have difficulty with getting started and staying on tasks? Have trouble with remembering assignments, deadlines and due dates? Are they scattered, disorganized and often feel overwhelmed? This webinar is for parents and children who have ADHD and/or executive function deficits. We will review
Addressing Anxiety in Kids and Teens: Tips for Parents
By Mohab Hanna, MD, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist This article originally appeared in Bergen County Moms. Link here. Kids and teens are increasingly anxious as they navigate growing up. In our practice, we have seen the needs continue to rise, especially post-COVID. I suspect that kid and teen anxiety is even
Depression in Childhood and Adolescence
By Samantha Ceceli, PA-C Approximately one in three adults in the United States have reported receiving a depression diagnosis in their lifetime. Unfortunately, this alarming statistic also extends to children and adolescents and continues to rise, as rates of depression have climbed from 3.1% to 4.0% between 2016 and 2020. We